Dear AMBEST Members,
Beginning in June 2023, AMBUCK$ will run a new promotion called "AMBUCK$ Tiered". For the first time ever, we are changing the structure of how AMBUCK$ points are issued. Starting in June, drivers will begin acrruing points (still earning 1 point per gallon), and at the end of the month they will "qualify" for either Standard, Bronze, Silver or Gold Tier. Please watch the video below which explains how the program works and what the impact will be to your store(s).
This board-approved promotion will impact every AMBEST travel center, so please watch the video so you have a complete understanding of the program and the impact to your store(s).
This video presentation is 7 minutes, so please block off 10 minutes of time to watch uninterrupted.
Click Here to Watch
Summary of the Tiered AMBUCK$ Promotion:
- Detailed research and data shows that the AMBUCK$ Tiered Promotion will INCREASE your network gallons between 6%-7%.
- Standard, Bronze, Silver and Gold Tier levels
- Drivers will accrue gallons each month. The gallons accrued will qualify them for a tier status that month.
- Drivers will enjoy the bonus point benefit of that tier (1x,2x, 3x, 4x) the following month.
- Drivers have to re-qualify for tier status each month.
- Tier Breakout
- Standard = 0 - 499 gallons, drivers will get 1 AMBUCK$ point per gallon the following month.
- Bronze = 500 - 999 gallons, drivers will get 2X AMBUCK$ points per gallon the following month.
- Silver = 1,000 - 1,499 gallons, drivers will get 3X AMBUCK$ points per gallon the following month.
- Gold = 1,500 gallons and greater, drivers will get 4X AMBUCK$ points per gallon the following month.
- Drivers achieve tier status in one month and enjoy the benefit of the tier the next.
- Earn tiered status June thru November & enjoy the benefits of the tier July thru December.
- Only 2% of AMBUCK$ card holders will ever reach the 4X Gold Status.
- 75% of drivers will NEVER reach the 2X Bronze Tier Status.
- We believe that if a driver is within 200 gallons of reaching the next tier, we can move them up.
- Average network fill up is 85 gallons. To achieve next tier level, drivers would have to fill up 3 more times.
- Implementing the tiered program produces a network average of $800 additional PROFIT per location.
- A location that redeems between 40% - 50% in AMBUCK$ points will likely remain in the black.
- Drivers will start accruing gallons toward their tier status in the month of June.
- Drivers will enjoy the benefit of the bonus points tier in July.
- Messaging on the bottom of receipt will tell drivers how many gallons they are away from the next tier.
- Each AMBEST location will be getting RED Sharpies, and we are asking Cashiers & Managers to circle the messaging at the bottom.
- Messaging will also be in the AMBEST app.
- Please make sure Cashiers / Managers know about this promotion. Make sure they are trained in issuing & redeeming AMBUCK$ points.
- Training courses available at www.ambucks.net, designed for Comdata, Fiscal and Verifone.
If you have questions, please reach out to McCall Decker at mdecker@am-best.com
Download this one-page printable flyer to put up where Cashiers and Managers will see!
Click to Download
Images below are of the pump topper, widow decal and pump sticker.